“The Next Big Thing”

15 Sep

I have been tagged by the fabulous author Sheryl Browne to take part in “The next big thing” and answer ten questions about my latest work in progress. Thank you for including me. Here goes!

What is the working title of your next book?

At the moment the working title is Barking Mad. It is a story about a couple who quit life in London, escape to the country and adopt animals who need loving homes. In particular a Newfoundland dog, who becomes something of a hero as the story unfolds.

Where did the idea come from?

I have always dreamt of having a place in the country where I could have as many animals as I wanted. I love animals, and I am passionate about dogs in particular. So is my sister, and her daughter. They have Newfoundland dogs. They belong to a Water Group where the dogs train to do water rescue work, and watching them do displays and training is awe inspiring. During the summer months both families join forces with other Newfoundland owners.They travel up and down Great Britain putting on displays of what the dogs are capable of. The dogs are incredibly strong and have thick water proof coats and webbed feet, and they love being in the water. It is amazing seeing them in action.They inspired me to write this story.

What genre does your book fall under?

I suppose if I had to pigeon hole my books I would say feminine literature. I hate the term “chick lit” as it always sounds vaguely insulting. I touch on some pretty serious subjects in my work, but I like to inject a bit of romance and plenty of humour too so it seems to appeal to women who can relate to the situations I place my characters in to.

What actors would you choose to play the part of your characters in a movie rendition?

I have thought about this question long and hard. For me there is only one actor I would love to see play the part of my male romantic protagonist. That is Michael Praed who I have been madly in love with since he played the part of Robin Hood in Robin of Sherwood back in the 1980’s. He is every thing a a male heart throb should be. Tall dark, handsome… eyes to dive into, and very beautiful hands with long sensitive fingers… oh..er…is it me, or has it suddenly got very hot in here? ย maybe at a push I would have Brad Pitt play the part of the dog…. (or I could just be joking)

What is the one sentence synopsis of your book?

A couple find a whole new world and unlock a thirty year mystery when they adopt a Newfoundland dog.

Will your book be self published or represented by an agency?

My last two books were self published. I would be delighted if I could fire some enthusiasm from an agency, but I will probably self publish my next book too.

How long did it take you to write the first draught of the manuscript?

I am still working on the first draught! but it usually takes me about six months to do. As I am self published I don’t have dead lines but I do try to set myself a routine so I stay focused don’t get too distracted.

What other books would you compare this story to within the same genre?

I don’t like to compare myself to any one else, I wouldn’t be so bold. There are lots of other authors who’s work I greatly admire though, and would hope to aspire to. I have recently read Carole E Wyers Surfing in Stilleto’s and her work is beautifully crafted. I also greatly admire the writing style of Sheryl Browne. She makes her male protagonists sound so gorgeous, and so vulnerable too that the reader wants to jump right into the pages and give them a big hug. I want my readers to care about my characters as much as I do and I love it when I fall in love with a fictional character. As a writer if you can achieve that, you know you’ve cracked it.

Who or what inspired you to write this book?

As I said earlier, my sister and her fabulous dogs inspired me. I also talk to some wonderful friends on facebook who also have dogs and Newfoundlands. I saw a short video of the dogs doing a demonstration of a sea rescue ย and just thought, “WOW!” I have to include these beautiful animals in my next book.

What else about your book might pique the readers interest?

This is not just a book about very large water loving dogs! it is also a story about how the past catches up with you, a thirty year old mystery, tragedy and loss and learning to move on from the past.It tells the tale of how it is never too late to find your soul mate, rekindling old flames and restoring faith in human nature. Hopefully it will make the reader smile, laugh out loud and perhaps shed a tear or two. It will be available in 2013.


I hope you have enjoyed finding out about my latest work in progress. I have tagged the following fabulous famousfiveplus.com authors. Please drop by the famousfiveplus.com page to find out more about all of these authors and more. I can’t wait to read their blogs about their own ” next big thing! ”




http// http://www.carolinejamesauthor.blogspot.co.uk


3 Responses to ““The Next Big Thing””

  1. Kimberly Menozzi September 16, 2012 at 9:28 pm #

    This does sound interesting, though I confess I’m now visualizing Brad Pitt in a dog costume, like that TV show Willard, with Elijah Wood. LOL! ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for sharing this – I’ll have a post up soon for your readers. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Francine Howarth September 17, 2012 at 6:24 pm #


    Great answers: cleverly said in diplomatic modesty! ๐Ÿ˜‰


  3. Sheryl Browne September 19, 2012 at 7:40 pm #

    When you find your place in the country, Debra let me know if you need a lodger! Or better still an animal nanny!

    Fabulous post! I love the sound of your new book. Dogs are a often huge part of family life โ€“ and therefore the dynamics therein (is why I cannot resist including them in my own stories :). Newfoundland dogs are magnificent animals. I can almost visualise this story already โ€“ though Iโ€™m not sure about Brad in the role of the star (which of course the dog will be!).

    Thanks for sharing! Love it! ๐Ÿ™‚ xx

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